Sunday, December 30, 2012

     Well, my fears came true...I gained 3 pounds over the holidays. But, I'm not going to let it get me down, and am pushing on! My next weigh in is in two days, so hopefully I lost the weight I gained. But on a good note, I went to my cousin's wedding this weekend, and got lots of attention about my weight loss. People keep telling me that you can really tell I've lost weight. I don't think I look any different, but it was awesome to hear! And it helps to keep me motivated. I did feel very pretty that day. What do you think? Does it look like I've lost weight?

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Update Three

Alrighty, this is my first post from my phone so we'll see how it goes! I weighed in on Tuesday, and I've lost 30 pounds!! AND I'm fitting into an old pair of jeggings! Now I've just got to make sure I don't gain any weight on Christmas!  :)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Motivational Tools

     I've been working on getting a Motivational Board put together for my room. It'll have some motivational quotes, calendar with workout schedule, my before pictures, my goals, and my rewards. Once I get it completed and looking pretty I'll let you all see it. But until then I've also done another sort of motivational tool I saw on everyone favorite idea board Pinterest. It's two glass jars with marbles that represent the pounds I have to lose and the pounds I've lost. It's been a really great motivator so far. I love being able to put more marbles into the Pounds Lost jar.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Before Picture/Update Two

     Alright I'm getting back into the rhythm of things here since Thanksgiving is over. I did cheat from my diet a bit, (I mean who could pass up the Thanksgiving meal??) but I'm glad to report I didn't gain any weight! Actually I lost 3 pounds! Which is awesome. And, drumroll please.....I've lost 23 pounds total! And it feels amazing!
     I did realize that I haven't posted a "before picture", which is key to me in my weight loss journey. Christy, the "head" of our group who meets monthly, told me that one of the girls on the TSFL program told her that even though she had lost 130 pounds that she still looked in the mirror and saw that fat girl, but if she looked at her before picture she can see that there really has been an incredible change. So here's my "Before" picture!! 

Monday, November 26, 2012


     As I've said before I try to go for a 2 mile walk three to four times a week, and even if you're just walking it's still important to remember to stretch. So here's a picture of some of the stretches I do before every walk. I don't do all of these, but it's a good representation of how I stretch.

I do #'s 1, 2, 4, 5, 7-11. 

Say It Out Loud

This is a picture that I try to look at daily and say out loud, it really does help! We can do it, if we just believe in ourselves!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Update One - Exercise Clothes

I've been chugging along here lately. I've stayed true to the Take Shape For Life 5 & 1 Meal Plan, and haven't cheated once!! Which, for me, is phenomenal!! Tomorrow marks my 3rd weigh in with the TSFL program, and my 5th weigh in since I decided to change my life, so I'm keeping the fingers crossed! And in one week I'll get to start exercising more! So I've already started looking and getting workouts for beginners, so I'll share them here soon. I've learned to start liking some food the old me would never taste, and I'll try and post some recipes here too. I'll end this short post with a picture of me in my new workout clothes from Old Navy!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Beginning of the Change

       Recently I decided that a lifestyle change was in order. I don't know what made me decide that it was time. Maybe it was my sinking self-esteem, or just the feeling of not being the best that I can be. But what ever the reason, this decision is long overdue.

       My Mom and I are gearing up to start a weight loss program called "Take Shape For Life". It's a program that is based around the Medi-Fast meals. You eat 6 small meals a day 5 Medi-Fast meals and one Lean & Green meal that you make yourself. This program has a team of nurses, pharmacists, and life coaches on hand to help you through the process. We heard about this program through one of my Mother's friends, and went to a meeting a couple of weeks ago. I'm not sure why but seven days ago, I decided that this was it, I had to change the way I was living. Because if I didn't I might not get to see everything that God has planned for me, or to be a mother, wife, and friend. The way I was living was killing me. Slowly, but surly.

       So, on October 24, 2012 I decided that before my Mother and I started this weight loss program that I was going to start limiting my calorie intake. I started eating healthier, no more fast food, no sodas, no junk food. And since my exercise routine was well, non-existent, I'm starting with a 2-mile walk 3-4 times a week, along with some stretching before and after. I've started a food journal and in it I keep track of every single food that enters my body and how many calories it has. I also write down the workouts I do that day and how I'm feeling. I also have, as every good girl on a diet should, a goals and rewards list. Which is helping keep me motivated. 

       All of that lead to me writing a note on Facebook asking my friends to help me stay accountable, and be there for me throughout this long journey ahead. And of course, they left me comments that were both inspiring and heart warming. One of my friends, who lives out of state, said that it would be hard for her to support me since she lived so far away, and wanted me to keep in informed. So that got me thinking about doing a blog, that way my friends and family could look at my progress and be there to help. And that was the birth of "The Curvy Girl Change", where I'm going to try and post on a regular basis, with everything from exercises I've done, to what I'm eating, and recipes I find. I'm going to finish this first post with a picture I found that is something I need to remember throughout this and in my life in general.