Sunday, December 30, 2012

     Well, my fears came true...I gained 3 pounds over the holidays. But, I'm not going to let it get me down, and am pushing on! My next weigh in is in two days, so hopefully I lost the weight I gained. But on a good note, I went to my cousin's wedding this weekend, and got lots of attention about my weight loss. People keep telling me that you can really tell I've lost weight. I don't think I look any different, but it was awesome to hear! And it helps to keep me motivated. I did feel very pretty that day. What do you think? Does it look like I've lost weight?

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Update Three

Alrighty, this is my first post from my phone so we'll see how it goes! I weighed in on Tuesday, and I've lost 30 pounds!! AND I'm fitting into an old pair of jeggings! Now I've just got to make sure I don't gain any weight on Christmas!  :)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Motivational Tools

     I've been working on getting a Motivational Board put together for my room. It'll have some motivational quotes, calendar with workout schedule, my before pictures, my goals, and my rewards. Once I get it completed and looking pretty I'll let you all see it. But until then I've also done another sort of motivational tool I saw on everyone favorite idea board Pinterest. It's two glass jars with marbles that represent the pounds I have to lose and the pounds I've lost. It's been a really great motivator so far. I love being able to put more marbles into the Pounds Lost jar.